探究關係行銷與顧客人格特質對顧客滿意度之影響─以壽險業顧客為例 Exploring the Impacts of Relationship Marketing and Customer’s
This study attempts to develop an integrated framework to explore the impacts of relationship marketing and personality on customer satisfaction through service quality and perceived risk based on the perceptive of the life insurance company. In this study, we employ internet-based and paper-based questionnaires to collect primary data from consumers who have experiences in purchasing life insurance. The results reveal that the improvement of relationship marketing strategy can enhance service quality, customer satisfaction, and reduce perceived risks. Second, the personality has significantly effects on service quality and customer satisfaction. Third, promoting the service quality or reducing the perceived risks contributes to the improvement of customer satisfaction. In addition, the perceived risks demonstrate significantly mediating effect on relationship marketing and customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Relationship marketing, Personality, Service quality, Perceived risks, Customer satisfaction
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