

保險商品採脫退率假設為定價基礎─財產權觀點 The Lapse Rate Assumption in Insurance Pricing:A View of Property Rights

  This article examines the impact of lapse rate assumption in pricing on both the rights of companies and consumers by taking a view from property rights. The premiums of health insurance policies are usually calculated in considering lapse rate assumption in insurance industry. Once consumers lapse in premium payment obligation, not only they will suffer from property loss but also their insurance protection will be rendered invalid. Based on the perspective of property rights drawn from new institutional economics, insurance companies are only entitled to management of and investment in reserved fund by legal definition. The reserved fund is a liability of the insurance companies owned primarily by the policyholders. However, the dispositional right is an ownership right of the owner, by so doing the insurance companies may take advantage of lapse rate assumption in pricing health insurance products so that they are indirectly exercising the right of disposition against reserved fund.
Keywords: property rights, lapse rate, insurance, consumer rights


  • 29-2-05.pdf