

建構境外保險業務分公司之法制芻議 Regulatory Proposal for Constructing the Offshore Insurance Unit in Taiwan

  In order to promote international financial activities and to establish a regional financial center, banks and securities firms are authorized to set up offshore banking branches and offshore securities branches respectively within the territory of the R.O.C. according to the Article 1 of Offshore Banking Act. However, the synergy of financial service providers shall include banks, securities firms and insurance companies, so the establishment of Offshore Insurance Unit (OIU) for insurance companies becomes an urgent regulatory issue. This paper reviews the legal system of Offshore Banking Act and conducts the comparative study of Singapore offshore insurance legislation as well as its market practice. Eventually, this paper makes suggestions to the Authorities for the proposed OIU legal system reform.
Keywords: insurance regulation, offshore financial centres, Offshore Banking Units(OBU), Offshore Security Units(OSU), Offshore Insurance Units(OIU), offshore insurance


  • 03-10305-_林建智、蔡信華_建構境外保險業務分公司之法制芻議_revised_by_Author.pdf